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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Overcome Stress While Quitting Smoking

Not easy for a smoker to stop smoking, one of which is stress-stricken when not smoking. But there are ways you can do to reduce stress while quitting smoking.
“Nicotine dependence can make a person feel anxious and nervous that often makes people hesitate to quit smoking,” said Steven Schroeder, MD, director of the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center at the University of California, San Francisco.
1. Do not be too hard on yourself
Eliminate the smoking habit is quite difficult, for that someone should not be too hard on itself. Because this condition can lead to stress, despair, and even depression. Try to have thoughts that are optimistic and sure can do it.
2. First rule out long-term concerns
The first weeks of quitting smoking is the most difficult. During this period you should not burden yourself with all sorts of long-term concerns, focus on what is being done at this time or now.
3. Learn to recognize signs of stress
Try to recognize the signs of stress that arises as feeling anxious, nervous, overwhelmed in dealing with a case, headaches, insomnia, and anger. If you’re feeling under pressure, try to do something about it.
4. Doing fun activities
One of the simplest ways to reduce stress is to do a fun activity or can give such pleasure to watch comedy movies, playing with pets, hanging out with family, listening to favorite music or soak in warm water.
5. Moving or performing physical activity
A lot of studies showing that physical activity can help reduce stress and anxiety. Almost all types of activities can help provided that truly enjoyed such as swimming or walking while looking at beautiful scenery.
6. Pour feelings in writing
Write something that could disrupt a powerful way to reduce stress. Find a quiet place and spend time for 1.5 minutes to write all the things that bother. Try not to revise it and just write it, then Tear the paper and throw away


Soft Drinks IS Favorite Killer

Soft Drinks IS Favorite Killer
Do you like to drinks? Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Miranda, Sprite, or hundreds of other types of soft drinks? If the answers is “yes”,
then stop it for a moment and read this article below. If you consume soft drink, so you have to poison your own body without realizing it.
Previously, how far you are familiar with “soft drink”? Please note, it named soft drink because these drinks contain very little food that is nutritious but contain so much food that is harmful to health. Called “soft” because these drinks lack of vitamin and substance that are important to the human body.
Did You Know?
in 1969, more than 50% of infant in Zambia were reported deficiency because mother who breastfeed their babies is a fan of soft drinks like Coke and Fanta. Most of these mothers use both types of drinks as a milk substitute. As a result, the hospital in Zambia, many filled with babies who lack food and substance called Fantababy.
In 1992, the government of Singapore has banned the sale of all types of carbonated soft drinks sold in schools in the country. The regulation as legalized when the beverage was found to contain over 10% sugar that case obesity. While in 1993, a child\’s dental institutions in UK, Child Dental Health stated that 20% of children who drank soft drink damage teeth. From the research results obtained that tooth decay initially take place within 45 minutes after drinking and subsequent damage process lasts for at least an hour.
Ingredients and Implications of Soft Drink
Sugar is an required element in soft drink. According to research conducted by the Association of Users of Penang (CAP) in Malaysia, there are between 4 to 15 teaspoon of sugar in every 300 to 500 ml of soft drink issued. In fact, levels which justified the use of sugar in one day only between 8 to 11 teaspoons only. Sugar is and ingredient that can easily damage the teeth, increasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, skin problems, and a thousand and other diseases that is no less dangerous for the human body. William Dupty in his book Sugar Blues stated that, \”…such as marijuana, morphine, and heroin, sugars like a opium that is addictive and can destroy …\” and Beatrice Hunter in his book entitled Consumer Beware states, \”… illness experienced by the spleen always adolescents who consume lots of soft drinks …\”
Still according to the Users Association of Penang, soft drinks also contain adequate a preservative, namely sodium benzoid (E211), also known as asid benzoid. Asid benzoid is believed to be a cause of asthma, and hyperaktive to children and some adults. Whether in Indonesia, a survey and study in Malaysia found that, at least there are 14 brands of soft drinks in Malaysia market contain such chemicals. However, explained that the limits are justified use benzoid asid is 350ppm.
Latest test results of Penang Users Association also found that some kinds of soft drinks also contain chemicals that are harmful to health. Among others tartazine, that is yellowish orange dyes that have been banned from use in Norway and Finland as it is believed to be the cause of swollen skin and eye disease.
Sunset yellow dye has also been banned in Norway, Finland and Sweden because it is believed to cause cancer. While the red dye carmoisine banned in the United States and Canada because it is believed could lead to food poisoning and cancer.
Aware before sorry
Awareness of the importance of choosing healthy foods and beverages sometimes very difficult for some people. Soft drinks do not vary much with the use of cigarettes. Lifestyle which often urges us to look for food and beverages \’soon\’ (fast food) are often fool the eye so that we fail to digest, where food and beverages which merit and not harm, nor vice versa. So, drink for today, but think also so you will be able to continue to drink the next day!