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Sunday, October 26, 2014

3 things lasting relationships have in common

The three main ingredients for a lasting relationship may surprise you because they’re not love, sex or money...
3 things lasting relationships have in common
The Beatles sang that you “all you need is love”. But if that’s all you have, chances are that your relationship may struggle to go the distance – that’s what the love scientists and researchers are saying, based on several studies.
If couples want to last the 50 years to celebrate their golden anniversary, they need to bring more pragmatic stuff to the relationship than just the sparkly, shiny feeling of being in love. So what are two of the main ingredients in the recipe for everlasting togetherness?


The answer is commitment and space, according to two studies. These attributes may not be romantic or earth-moving, but experts say that mixed with generous dollops of respect, caring and affection, they can help your relationship shuffle happily into the twilight years.

1. A commitment to going the distance

The median age for divorce in Australia has been rising steadily for two decades and is now 41.3 years for women and 44.2 for men. In 2006, a third of divorces occurred in marriages of 20 years or more at a stage in life when many would feel the real hard work of raising kids, establishing careers and paying off mortgages could be behind them.
So why are these long relationships busting open just when they can see the light of good times ahead? The Relationship Institute at UCLA in the US says it boils down to the level of commitment to the relationship that couples take into the marriage at the start. Researchers followed 172 newlyweds for 11 years and found that the marriages that went the distance – 78.5 per cent – were made up of couples who were willing to “make sacrifices” for the sake of the marriage.
The researchers said the couples with successful relationships were committed not only to each other but to the overarching relationship, and were determined to protect it.
Relationship educator and counsellor Denise Reichenbach, of Relationships Australia, uses an analogy in which the relationship is the roof of a building and the couple are individual pillars working as a team to keep the roof from caving in.
She agrees that while love is important – and being in love is likely what got the whole thing started in the first place – a successful relationship that lasts for decades requires a commonsense approach and an initial deep and real commitment to making it work in good times and bad.
“The relationship is the higher shared goal,” Reichenbach says. “With couples making a commitment to doing what they have to do to keep it strong. It’s about putting the relationship first and facing the unavoidable reality that it can’t always be smooth sailing and good times.”
>>4 ways love is good for your health

2. A healthy amount of space

In a US study on couples, twice as many were unhappy with their lack of privacy and space than their sex lives, according to psychologist Terri Orbuch, a research professor at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research and author of 5 Simple Steps To Take Your Marriage From Good To Great (Delacorte Press).
Orbuch found that 29 per cent of spouses said they didn’t have enough “privacy or time for self” in their relationship, with more wives than husbands reporting not having enough space. The importance of space, she says, is that it gives people time to process thoughts, pursue hobbies and relax without responsibilities to others.
Reichenbach agrees that it’s important to allow partners to also pursue their own dreams, too. “Not every goal can be a joint one,” she says. “A relationship needs to have the trust and respect within it to allow each person to also be individuals.”
>>"Why doesn't my husband trust me?"

3. Being affectionate

Cuddling and caressing were found to be more important ingredients for couple’s long-term commitment in a 2011 study by the Kinsey Institute in the US, which looked at relationship and sexual satisfaction. And contrary to stereotypes, tenderness was found to be more important to the men than the women.
Another interesting finding was that women’s sexual satisfaction within the relationship grew over time, with those who’d been with their partner for less than 15 years less likely to report sexual satisfaction than those who’d been with their partner for more than 15 years.
b+s sex and relationship expert Dr Gabrielle Morrissey insists that while relationships can survive without sex, this physical intimacy is what most people “signed up for” when they started the relationship.
Sex can be the glue that keeps a couple together or feeling connected – it can be what helps them feel bonded, despite the challenges in their everyday life,” Morrissey says. “Without it, they often grow apart. Couples who enjoy a regular sex life, tend to nag less, fight less and feel as if they have an ally in their life, no matter the problems.”

The 5 most common things couples fight about and ways to deal with it

How to tackle common argument triggers minus the stress
The 5 most common things couples fight about and ways to deal with it
Conflict is a part of relationships. When two individuals merge their lives, clashes are bound to happen. The key is how those conflicts are handled.
Conflict in a relationship is deeply personal, and stressful for all involved, but there are some common things that most couples argue over. And if you know what they are, you can be aware of them and learn to handle these areas better as a couple so your relationship is more harmonious and less fractious.

1. Money

Money is often a reflection of personal values around security, freedom, generosity and lifestyle. If you both differ on how to spend money, then without some frank discussion and negotiation, it can lead to catastrophic fights … and ones that only repeat themselves throughout the years.
If you find yourselves arguing about money, rather than focus on the dollar amounts and items that were purchased, sit down and talk about how you each feel about money and what having money and not having enough money means to you. Once you talk more generally, you'll be better able to get past the triggers and negotiate strategies that work for both of you.

2. Division of domestic responsibilities

When one partner feels the load is not shared, let alone not equal, resentment builds which can lead to explosive clashes. But what really leads to conflict is the lack of appreciation for what each partner does contribute, as well as a sense of fairness that over time dissolves so that one partner feels more responsible for all areas of the home than the other.
The best way to stop the home front becoming a battle zone, whether you have children or not, is to talk through your expectations, both in terms of duties, and in terms of appreciation for those efforts and roles. Share that, and then the process of sharing actual chores is a much happier prospect.
>>Work-life balance for parents

3. Power in the relationship

Partners who feel like they don't have an equal voice in the relationship, and don't participate in equal decision making, will often try to be more heard by being louder. The other partner, who may on the surface seem more "go with the flow" can eventually feel railroaded into decisions which are meant to be worked out as a couple. So instead of handling the power dynamic through calm negotiation and expression of concern and feelings, it erupts in a large argument that the other partner didn't see coming.
The key here is for both partners to be aware of one another's personalities, especially if one is more take charge and one is more laid back, and agree together to absolutely make all important decisions together, as well as practice that value on the little daily things too.
>>5 relationship red flags you're probably ignoring

4. Sex, touch and affection

As people change over time, their desires change, and couples sometimes have a difficult time discussing their sexual and intimacy needs because they are shy, embarrassed or plain think their partner should just know what they want and need. The reality is that men and women of all ages have a fluctuating libido - that's natural - and almost every life factor you can think of will affect it, from stress to diet to quality of sleep, and how connected you feel to one another.
Establishing how much affection and sex you both want is important because each of those may very well be quite different for each of you and if your needs don't get met, unhappiness results, and a recipe for conflict forms. Work out how much loving touch, lustful touch and climactic time you each want to share and then negotiate to meet in the middle so that you both can be happy.

5. Extended family

When you enter into a relationship with your partner, you merge your world with theirs, which includes their significant others, besides you. This could be children from a previous relationship, and other family members they are close to, as well as their best friends. Couples can fight often if one or more of those extended others infringes too much on the quality time spent with each other alone as a couple. The friction can occur from personality clashes, but also it can happen just because a balance isn't being met.
In order to prevent conflicts with each other about extended family and friends, be sure you share with each other how important those people are to you and talk through how best to make everyone feel special and important, while preserving your relationship as a priority.
>>10 things you should never say in a relationship

How to ensure you fight fair

Practice listening to one another. First pick topics that you don’t usually fight about and have a conversation. Take turns talking and paraphrasing back what you hear your partner saying. Work your way up to more difficult topics, so that with practice, you’re able to tackle those trigger issues without intense, unproductive fights, and instead hone your listening and negotiation skills.
With or without fights, at the heart of your relationship you need to ask yourselves: do you feel safe and respected in your relationship? Do you share open and equal communication? Are you free to express your feelings and opinions and are you listened to? If so, your conflict is being managed well and your relationship would be able to withstand your disagreements, because overall you are good for one another and life together is mutually beneficial. You want to raise each other up, not bring each other down. And that's what healthy relationships are all about.

Don't miss:

How to live the natural life - a checklist

Simple ways to live a natural life that is meaningful.
How to live the natural life - a checklist
Do you want to start a new chapter in your life and embrace all things natural? In this digital age, it's perfectly understandable to aspire to a more organic lifestyle. Here are a few key areas worth assessing so you (and your family) can live as close to nature as you possibly can.

What are you eating?

Your body is a temple, and a perfect reflection of the way you treat it. So, just being conscious of what you put inside it has the potential to improve your health greatly, and help you stick to an organic living program.
There are hidden chemicals and additives in so much of the food we eat. We recommend seriously assessing your weekly supermarket shopping list, checking labels carefully, and looking to replace as many of the pre-packaged and processed foods with green leafy vegetables, lean meats and low GI carbohydrates. The more your food has been processed, the more nutrients are lost.
In fact, the best way to control your diet and ensure it's organic, is grow your own fruit, vegetables and herbs. Start your own garden this weekend and immediately reap the benefits.
We all have our go-to snacks for an instant perk-up, but that one piece of chocolate or bag of lollies delivers a burst of blood sugar energy that quickly dissipates and becomes a blood sugar crash. This will leave you flat for the rest of the day and a million times more likely to reach for more sugary drinks and snacks.
Start your day with protein, like a free-range egg-based dish, and studies have shown that cravings will be seriously reduced, giving you a much better chance of sticking to a healthy eating program, and living an organic life.

Are you managing your stress?

Another common reason we reach for non-organic foods is when our stress levels reach a point that we need to medicate with comfort food, which is often incredibly unhealthy.
When things get too much, try and focus on your breathing, try yoga or meditation, or try one of our tips for stress reduction. Exercise is another way to manage this issue, and essentially raise the baseline on what your responsive stress levels are.

Are you moving regularly?

Physical exercise is one of the key elements of optimum health, and investing time in it regularly not only benefits the body, but has been proven to lift moods and keep you happier, longer. Getting outside to exercise is another way to reinforce an organic lifestyle.

What's in your home?

Living a natural life would ideally extend to natural beauty and cleaning products, as this is where so many of us accidentally come into contact with toxic chemicals.
You can make your own skincare products with ingredients you can already find in your cupboard. If you are shopping for beauty products, make sure you avoid products with chemicals, parabens or added fragrances. Another great way to limit chemical contact is fragrancing your home with essential oils, not chemical-rich perfumes.
When it comes to cleaning products, where possible try and use natural products like baking soda and vinegar - your grandma's cleaning regime has a lot to offer if you want to live an organic life.


How to Lose 20 Pounds

A focused strategy will help you reach your weight-loss goal. Counting calories and getting active will help.

Search online and you’ll find dozens of Web sites promising to tell you exactly how to lose 20 pounds (or more), often with hyped-up claims of speedy success, like losing the weight in 30 days or “just six weeks!” The reality is that losing 20 pounds is an achievable goal if you apply proven strategies, such as counting calories. This approach may take a bit longer than those miracle diets, but it will actually work and help you develop healthy habits to keep the weight off, and even lose more, if that’s your goal.

Related: 10 Steps to Lose Weight Faster
Lose 20 Pounds: Why Counting Calories Matters
“Having a realistic weight goal makes good sense,” says dietitian Jenna Anding, PhD, RD, of the department of nutrition and food science in the Texas A&M System at College Station. “Eliminating 500 calories a day can help promote a one-pound-per-week weight loss. Increasing physical activity can also help promote weight loss.”
In order for counting calories to work, you will have to do a little math (it’s okay to cheat and use a calculator). If you want to lose 1 pound a week (it is safe to lose up to 2 pounds a week or 1 percent of your body weight, if you weigh more than 200 pounds), that means you need to cut out or burn through exercise about 500 calories a day. But remember not to eat less than 1,200 calories daily, so that your body doesn’t retreat into starvation mode. A reduction of at least 500 calories a day means you could lose a pound every week or 20 pounds in about five months.

Related: 13 Portion Control Secrets

Lose 20 Pounds: Successful Strategies
Here are four diet truths to help you achieve your goals:
  • Cutting out sweet drinks is non-negotiable. Sweet tea, soda, and flavored and sweetened milks, waters, and coffees all have to go. Drink plain water, low-fat milk, and sugar-free drinks instead. A study of 810 adults between 25 and 79 years old showed that after 18 months, those who cut out sweet drinks had greater weight loss than those who cut down on food calories. One possible reason: While your body lets you know when it is full of food, there is no way for your body to tell you when you’ve maxed out on liquid calories.
  • Physical activity helps counting calories. Being physically active burns calories while it improves your overall health. Aim for 30 minutes a day most days of the week. A brisk 30- to 45-minute walk burns 100 to 200 calories. If you can burn 200 calories through exercise, you only have to cut out 300 calories in food or drink to reach your daily calorie-cutting goal.
  • Strategically eating less drops weight. A study of 811 overweight people who participated in four popular diets found that whether diets were low-fat, high-protein, or a combination didn’t matter — weight-loss success depends on cutting out calories. In fact, you can continue to eat filling portions if you simply replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods that contain a lot of water, such as fruits and vegetables. A study of 97 obese women who ate either a low-fat diet or a low-fat diet with additional fruits and vegetables found that those who emphasized fruits and veggies lost up to five pounds more.
  • Journaling leads to success. Counting calories is easier if you write down (or type in) what you eat, including serving sizes and details such as condiments you may have added. “Research has shown that exercise and journaling really make a difference in long-term weight management,” says Gail Curtis, assistant professor at Wake Forest University Health Sciences in Winston-Salem, N.C. A detailed journal will help you identify your successes and pinpoint where you can cut additional calories or replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones.
With dedicated work you can apply these truths to lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks or less. So get moving!


4 Things You Can Do This Week to Be a Happier Person

Gabrielle Bernstein shares her tips on how to meditate your way to happiness daily.

Create a positive, uplifting playlist to help boost your mood and brighten your spirit.

Monday, May 12, 2014
There’s more to leading a healthy lifestyle than following an eating and exercise plan. Finding happiness in your everyday life can also make a positive impact on your overall health. According to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, happiness has a positive effect in lowering cortisol levels, the stress hormone that is related to health conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune diseases. But if you aren’t feeling that happy on a daily basis, what can be done to change that?
Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times best-selling author of May Cause Miracles, believes personal happiness — or as she refers to it, “miracles” — can be achieved through meditation. In her newest New York Times best-seller, Miracles Now, she writes that meditation helps “because it gives you time to reflect, bring inner peace, and make a true assessment of where you are in your life and where you can go.” Indeed, a study from JAMA Internal Medicine shows that meditation can help reduce stress and ease symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are related to myriad health conditions. 
Want to give meditation a try? Here are Bernstein’s tips for how to meditate your way to finding happiness daily, ultimately improving the quality of your life — and your health.
1. Make your first thought of the day a happy one. “When we look at ourselves in the mirror every morning and think of all the things we want to change, that’s a choice we make,” says Bernstein. “Make the commitment to think differently about yourself and make happiness the first thing of the day.” She recommends listening to music to begin your morning instead of watching TV. Create a positive, uplifting playlist to help boost your mood and brighten your spirit. If you have a few minutes, sit still and meditate while listening to a song or two. 
2. Snap out of a negative mindset. Plagued by undesirable or destructive thoughts about yourself or others? Bernstein recommends employing her “Snap Out of It” meditation technique, in which you wear a rubber band on your wrist, and whenever you start to think negative thoughts about yourself or towards another person, flick the rubber band against your arm. This will literally help you “snap” out of the negative thoughts. 
3. Unleash your inner child. Whenever you feel stressed about your responsibilities and commitments, unplug from the world, shut off your computer and phone, and tap into your inner child. When we become more childlike, we grow our capacity for curiosity and creativity. Bernstein recommends taking a dream break during the day, in which you sit alone and spend five to 10 minutes thinking your way into a cool experience you’d always hoped to have. “Open up to silliness and having more fun. That childlike energy brings us a much more positive perspective and releases tension,” Bernstein says. 
4. Sleep to restore your mind. Sleep is essential to optimal health, but people often forget that it is also a spiritual practice that benefits us mentally and emotionally. Lacking essential shut-eye is another way we block happiness from our lives. To help you get a restful night of sleep, Bernstein recommends using this simple Kundalini breathing technique: Sit up straight on your bed and breathe in using a U breath (Pucker your mouth as if you were holding a quarter between your lips.). Breathe in and exhale through your nose. Continue this cycle of breath for one minute. 


Friday, October 24, 2014

Lazy Girl Hair Tips

The Lazy Girl's Guide to Strong, Healthy Hair

These five pointers are the most crucial hair commandments.

Hair masks, oils, styling creams, mousses. If you're the type of woman who gets overwhelmed in the hair-care aisle (after all, how many products can one head of hair really need?), then we have some good news for you: You don't have to follow a ton of involved steps to get envy-inducing strands: Just adopt an "I Woke Up Like This" approach. Here are the essential rules you need to follow—and the only rules you need to follow—to get strong, healthy, gorgeous hair.
Quality Over Quantity
If you want to save time and effort, it’s worth it to spend a little extra to ensure you can skip steps. Don't want to do a hair mask? Invest in high-quality shampoos and conditioners with ingredients that will leave your hair deeply hydrated. Jim Markham, stylist and founder of ColorProof Evolved Color Care, says to look for products that are sulfate- and salt-free to prevent stripping hair of its moisture. Look for options with ingredients like organic botanicals to balance, nourish, and protect. It might cost you a little more, but that's money well-spent. Try E.V.A. Unbreakable Hair Keravis Shampoo ($9.00, Walgreens).
Try a Wet Brush
If you're in a hurry, you might reach for whatever old brush is laying around and run it through your wet hair. Unfortunately, this is a surefire way to cause breakage because wet strands are extra-weak and snap more easily. Rheanne White, celebrity stylist, says that The Wet Brush ($8.99, is "hands down the best." It will glide through your wet hair, separating the strands and detangling knots without the blow-dryer.
MORE: 5 Hair Products Every Woman Should Own
Use Multitasking Products
Look for hair-care products that have multiple benefits to minimize steps and maximize benefits. White recommends Layrite Original Pomade ($15 for four ounces, for maximum hold and shine for unruly, frizzy ends. Markham suggests using ColorProof CrazySmooth Extreme Shine Treatment Oil ($42, ColorProof salons), which nourishes, repairs, and strengthens hair while also giving you luminous strands.
Take a Multivitamin
Both Markham and White recommend taking vitamin supplements to ensure you get the strong-hair nutrients your diet may be missing. Look for one that includes vitamins E and A, biotin, and omega-3 fatty acids. GNC Women's Ultra Nourish-Hair ($12.99, GNC) packs all of the above.
MORE: The Lazy Girl's Guide to Gorgeous Skin
Use Protection
When you're heat-styling your hair, it's essential to protect your strands from damage. Applying heat directly to your hair damages the integrity of the strand and can make it brittle. "Heat protectants are essential when using hot tools such as hair dryers, curling irons, hot rollers, and flat irons," says Markham. "When heat is applied to hair, it opens the hair shaft, leaving it susceptible to damage and even color loss." Try Tresemme Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Hair Spray ($4.79, Walgreens) to protect hair while adding shine.

The Dangers of Garcinia Cambogia Extract Diet Pills: What You Need to Know

Don’t get tricked by this popular diet scam

Tons of people are buzzing about garcinia cambogia extract diet pills—thanks in part to an Internet scam that illegally used the Women's Health brand likeness and copyrighted materials (and the likeness and materials of other respected health brands) to promote the pills. We wrote about the scam at length here, in addition to how to identify if you've been scammed.
But here's something else super troubling about all this: All backstory about scammers aside, this particular diet pill can be dangerous to your health.
Garcinia cambogia, which on its own is pretty darn delicious and healthy, is a tropical fruit grown in Indonesia. (It also goes by the name tamarind fruit.) According to Purdue University, it's rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. All good things, right?
Well, here's where things get tricky: Its rind contains a compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which proponents claim decreases appetite and prevents your body from storing food as fat. However, since garcinia cambogia extract diet pills are supplements, not drugs, the Food and Drug Administration doesn't regulate their use or review their effectiveness or safety unless, as was the case with OxyElite Pro, their use becomes linked to multiple hospitalizations, says medical weight-loss expert Sue Decotiis, M.D. That means that it's up to manufacturers to decide how much garcinia cambogia their pills pack, as well as what other health-impacting ingredients are added to the mix.
"Most brands of garcinia cambogia extract diet pills, including big names, have failed independent laboratory quality and quantity testing," says Decottis. "Also, there have been no large-scale trials comparing garcinia to placeboes or other supplements. There probably will never be any objective data on garcinia."
What's more, a 2005 study in Food and Chemical Toxicology found that high doses of garcinia cambogia extract caused testicular atrophy and toxicity in mice. Even if you don't have testicles, that's sure to make you cringe.

Endometriosis: New Hope for a Common (But Not Commonly Discussed) Condition

You won't often hear about endometriosis on the nightly news, or even in the health section of newspapers and websites. But this gynecological condition—in which the type of tissue that lines a woman's uterus (the endometrium) grows in other, nearby parts of the body—is much more common than you'd think. And much more debilitating.

(Read about one woman's experience with the disease in "What I Wish Everyone Knew About Endometriosis."

As some recent news reports have pointed out, though, there may be new hope on the horizon for understanding endometriosis.

Blausen 0349 Endometriosis
Illustration of endometriosis. Source: BruceBlaus, Wikimedia Commons.

Endometriosis sufferers can face years or even decades of pelvic pain, inflammation, infertility, and a search for relief. The endometrial tissue can grow in areas like the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, outer surface of the uterus, and pelvic cavity lining. The tissue can form scarring that can cause adhesions between surfaces like the bladder and bowel.

With endometriosis, patients can experience a range of agonizing and potentially embarrassing problems, from pain during sex to extremely painful menstrual cramps, back pain, painful urination or bowel movements, and constipation or diarrhea.
To make the situation even more frustrating, researchers don't understand exactly what the causes of endometriosis are. And patients and even doctors may be reluctant to talk about it.

But as a recent New Yorker article notes, in recent years there's been news of an interesting collaboration that may shed important light on the origins of the disease (the article is well worth reading for its explanation of endometriosis and the issues involved in understanding its causes and treating it).

Linda Griffith, a biological engineer at M.I.T. (who has undergone a number of operations to treat her endometriosis), has teamed up with Keith Isaacson, a gynecologist and surgeon at Newton Wellesley Hospital Center (who has performed some of those procedures on Griffith), and the two are working to find some answers.

A few years ago they were named co-directors of a new institution for studying gynecological disorders, the M.I.T. Center for Gynopathology Research. The Center's website says that it "brings new frontiers of engineering to bear on understanding the basic biology, physiology, and pathophysiology of the female reproductive tract, in collaboration with biologists and clinicians."

(Watch the Linda Griffith video: "New Insight to Endometriosis Through Tissue Engineering and Systems Biology" [Eight minutes]. )

In an M.I.T. video (above) Griffith notes that in all women, bits of the uterine lining spread to the abdominal cavity during their menstrual cycle. So why does this cause problems in approximately 10% of women? This is one of the key questions the Center is examining.

As the New Yorker article notes, several months ago Griffith, Isaacson, and other authors published a paper that "analyzed how a whole network of cells and molecules interacts in some patients to cause inflammation, which triggers pain and may also spur the disease’s progression. They also identified ways in which new drugs might someday help to quiet that signalling."

Find out more about the M.I.T. Center for Gynopathology Research's current investigations here, which include endometriosis, adenomyosis, and infertility.

To find more information on endometriosis:
* Daily Strength endomeriosis support group
* Endometriosis Foundation of America
* From the Mayo Clinic: endometriosis symptoms, risk factors, complications, and treatments.
* FAQs about endometriosis from

Obat tradisional anyang anyangan

Bahan-bahan Alami untuk Obat Tradisional Anyang Anyangan
Dari sekian banyak gangguan kesehatan, anyang-anyangan menjadi salah satu hal paling tidak menyenangkan. Anyang-anyangan ini merupakan suatu keadaan ketika anda berulangkali buang air kecil. Hal ini bisa sangat parah dan anda bisa setiap dua menit sekali ingin buang air kecil. Hal tersebut tentu akan sangat tidak menyenangkan dan akan sangat mengganggu. Bisa anda bayangkan apabila anda sedang kuliah, anda harus berulangkali ke kamar mandi untuk buang air kecil. Hal ini bisa melanda siapa saja, mulai dari wanita, laki-laki bahkan anak-anak pun sering mengalami penyakit unik ini. Untuk mengatasi penyakit tersebut, obat tradisional anyang anyangan bisa menjadi alternatif anda. Selain obat alternatif tersebut, sebenarnya ada mitos lain yang mengatakan bahwa anyang-anyangan bisa disembuhkan dengan mengikat jempol kaki. Entah benar atau tidak, ini sering kali berhasil.

Terkait obat tradisional anyang anyangan yang bisa anda gunakan, sebenarnya tidaklah mudah untuk menemukan bahan untuk membuat obat tradisional tersebut. Obat pertama bisa anda buat dari jeruk nipis, air panas dan gula pasir. Untuk membuatnya, anda hanya perlu menyediakan dua buah jeruk nipis dan peraslah buah tersebut. Kemudian, campurlah perasan jeruk tersebut dengan satu gelas air panas. Tambahkan juga gula pasir, tapi jangan sampai malah terlalu manis. Ramuan tersebut bisa anda minum secara rutin. Hal ini seperti meminum jeruk hangat, dan tak terkesan sebagai obat. Namun, ramuan tersebut terbukti manjur. Selain itu, anda juga bisa menggunakan rebusan dari daun kumis kucing yang dicampur dengan gula jawa atau gula merah. Ramuan ini bisa anda minum tiap pagi dan sore hingga anyang-anyangan itu hilang.

Untuk ramuan obat tradisional anyang anyangan lainnya, anda bisa membuat dari buah sirsak. Untuk membuatnya, anda membutuhkan buah sirsak yang masih setengah masak, gula pasir serta air. Untuk membuatnya, anda perlu mengupas buah tersebut dan membersihkan biji serta kulitnya. Daging dari buah sirsak tersebut direbus bersama gula pasir dan dua gelas. Jangan menggunakan api yang terlalu besar, agar proses pemanasan bisa lebih lama. Setelah itu, anda bisa menyaring air tersebut dan meminumnmya dua kali sehari.
