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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Best way to lose fat

Most are probably wondering if it's really an easy method of fat loss works. diet programs and some television advertising coach and the Internet they found a sure way to beat fat. Most of these diet programs turned out to be just fads. It can be confusing and mostly disappointing to have to choose between hundreds of diets available.

You really have to buy special tea or a smoothie. There is no special machine that can help you lose fat faster. Diet pills may work, but can be expensive and health risks will always be there. If you really want to lose weight, do it the old fashioned way. Eat a well balanced diet and exercise.

It's hard to lose weight especially since this is the era of instant food of large cable television and the Internet. Almost everything seems easy, but losing those kilos. If only one remote control for those fat to leave. Liposuction is not good, but not a permanent solution. If you continue to eat food king while surfing the net all day is going to become a doctor at any time require another procedure.

As mentioned it is all about balanced diet and exercise. You do not have to starve yourself or spend hours in the gym. The key word is balance. Eat nutritious foods and salty foods to avoid waste. You should also drink plenty of water, especially if you regularly exercise to replenish your body. If you are bored with the exercise, ask a friend to join you to make it more enjoyable. You can also ask your family to help with your new diet. It is more effective if the whole family are eating healthy. There are healthy recipes can prove that they are also delicious.

When it comes to a combination of aerobic and strength training are the best ways to lose those fats. You do not have to do strength training every day, in fact, it is recommended to rest every other day. It is not good if on the exhaust of your car by excessive exercise.

Patience and commitment is key to losing weight. It may not be easy and fast, but naturally will be more beneficial to your health.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Daily Diet: Design Your Own Cereal

Who would have thought that words “artisanal” and “cereal” would be used in the same sentence? None other than the brilliant marketing minds behind Me & Goji, a custom blender of artisanal cereal. This company takes America’s favorite breakfast food and spins it into hand-mixed, customer-designed cereal combinations, based on your likes and dislikes, nutritional needs, and they do so in an eco-conscious way.The brainchild of two college athletes, Adam and Alexander chose to establish a new way of thinking about cereal by focusing on the individual and using the highest quality, all-natural and certified organic products. They believe that your cereal should be as uniquely composed as you are; ingredients should naturally change with seasons or even moods; and that nature’s healthiest foods make for some of nature’s tastiest combinations without processing or additives.
Daily Diet: Design Your Own Cereal Me & Goji allows you to create your own cereal (hot or cold) or granola. You start with a base, the foundation of your mix. You have your choice of nine bases, ranging from flakes, hoops and squares to oats, muesli and granola. Then you begin to enhance your cereal mix with healthy ingredients like wheat germ, multi-grain flakes, chocolate chips—20 choices in total. Moving on you can add dried fruit (14 options) and then nuts and seeds (16 options).
Once you have blended up your mix you can personalize your “cereal capsule” with a name and optional photo ($2.99 extra). Your cereal tube will also come complete with a Nutrition Facts label, detailing servings size, calories per serving, fat, cholesterol, sodium, etc. You can save your customized blend for use in the future.
In addition, there are 18 pre-conceived cereal mixes, from faves to functionals, kid’s mixes and specialty granolas. Right now they are featuring a Holiday Mix, a flax and flaked cereal which includes dried cranberries, cinnamon, cocoa almonds and coconut.  These mixes are prepared to order, and buyers are provided with nutrition facts for each of the prepared mixes.
While the final product is definitely pricier than anything you will find at your local supermarket, it’s a boon for those that require gluten-free products or have nut allergies, as you can design a cereal to meet your needs. And it would make a great gift, with a personalized name and picture.
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High Protein? High Carb? Your Best Diet May Surprise You?

we typically review our diets and make New Year’s resolutions the first of the year. Like me, I’ll bet you’ve made — and broken — plenty of resolutions. These days, though, it’s tough to know which diet you should follow. Should you follow some of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets? Or should you try one of the high-carbohydrate, low-protein programs? This year, instead of starting another weight-loss program, concentrate on eating a healthy diet. The best diet for you will help you reach your ideal weight while providing you with the nutrients you need to be and stay healthy But what makes a good diet — concentrating on high protein or high carbohydrate? Some people burn calories fast and do better eating more complex carbohydrates. Hint: They’re usually thin people. Others burn calories slowly. These people feel and look best when they eat more protein. Either way, getting sufficient protein is vital. So is eating good quality foods — foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fats, and low in toxins.High Protein? High Carb? Your Best Diet May Surprise You?  You might think that because I’m a vegetarian, I’m biased against meat-based diets. Actually, I’m biased against unhealthy diets. It’s tough to be a healthy vegetarian and get enough protein. It’s not much easier to be a healthy carnivore and eat good quality protein that’s not laced with toxins.  Carbohydrate sensitivity Call it insulin resistance, Syndrome X, or hyperinsulinemia — they all mean that when you eat a lot of starches or sugars, your blood sugar rises too high and your body doesn’t secrete insulin appropriately. Instead of using these foods for energy, your body stores its calories in fat tissues. Carbohydrate sensitivity causes weight gain, raises your cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease, and contributes to diabetes.  Yo-yo dieting, not exercising, and a diet high in refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, white rice), alcohol abuse, and smoking all contribute to carbohydrate sensitivity. About 25 percent of all Americans and 75 percent of overweight people have insulin resistance.
Dr. Robert Atkins developed his high-protein diet to correct this problem.  Enter Dr. Atkins For more than 40 years, Robert Atkins was a medical doctor who used nutrition in his practice. He noticed a common problem in many patients that affected their health and weight: Fluctuating blood-sugar levels. His solution was simple. Avoid refined carbohydrates and greatly increase animal protein and unprocessed fats to stabilize blood sugar. Eat more fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants to counteract the damage from free radicals that occur in a diet high in rancid and processed fats To meet the needs of his overweight patients, he developed a radical weight-loss program emphasizing animal protein and eliminating carbohydrates, even those that were unrefined. His patients lost weight and their glucose levels stabilized. However, this diet is high in pesticides, hormones, and other toxins that are stored in the fat tissues of meat, chicken, dairy, and fish. And a large study on nutrition and disease concluded that a diet high in animal protein contributes to cancer and heart disease.  While Dr. Atkins insists that eating so much meat won’t raise your cholesterol, my brother’s cholesterol skyrocketed on this diet – and he ate lots of veggies like a good boy. If you eat a high animal-protein diet for more than a few months, get your cholesterol checked. My greatest quarrel with the Atkins weight loss diet is that it doesn’t emphasize food quality. Ann Louise Gittleman does.

Health Benefits of Almonds and Useful Vitamins

Consumers have new reasons to enjoy almonds as researchers have recently announced that nuts not only taste good, but they're also good for you. Almonds are one of the most nourishing of all nuts. As more and more consumers become dedicated to healthy life-styles, expert have found that adding natural foods, such as almonds, to your diet may be the prescription for physical wellness in the 21st century.

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Cancer Prevention - Almonds are low in inundated fat and contain many other protective nutrients - calcium and magnesium - for strong bones, vitamin E and compounds called phytochemicals, which may help protect against cardiovascular disease and even cancer. All protein, with the exception of gelatin, contains all of the essential or indispensable, amino acids. However, some protein sources are low in one or more IAA, making that source incomplete from the standpoint of meeting biological requirements.

This is referred to the warning amino acid. Meaning, when the recommended level of protein is consumed in the form of a protein that has a limiting amino acid, then the biological requirement for the limiting amino acid is not met.

Although many of us would consider almonds to be nuts, scientifically speaking they are closer to peach pits. Almonds are really the fruits of deciduous (meaning that the leaves fall off every year) trees originally found in Asia and North Africa. Instead of growing a sweet fleshy pulp around the seed, almonds develop a leathery coating. Beneath this shell lies a hardened pit with a dark skin, much like a pit from a freestone peach. Almonds approach in two varieties, sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds are used in many Asian dishes, as well as dessert pastes and garnishes. A popular use for crushed sweet almonds is a European candy base called marzipan.

Health Benefits of Almonds

Keeps the Heart healthy: A study showed those who consumed nuts five times a week had a 50% reduction in risk of heart attack.

Huge amounts of vitamin E found in these nuts acts as an antioxidant and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Almonds also help reduce C-reactive protein (CRP) which causes artery-damaging inflammation.

Reduces bad cholesterol: Almonds are a good source of monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats which help to lower the low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol). A handful of almonds every day can lower your bad cholesterol level by 8 to 12 percent.

Good for hair: A massage of Almond oil mixed with Indian gooseberry (amla) juice can prevent hair loss. It also prevents grayish and tapering of hair. It also helps if you have dandruff.

Good for skin: An almond face pack prevents dry skin, pimples and black heads and is a good long term cure for acne. It also improve skin complexion and premature aging. It nourishes the skin making it smooth and soft.

Energy booster: Nutrients present in almonds like Protein, Manganese, Copper & Riboflavin are all used to generate energy in our body. An almond chocolate or an power bar is something must if you are always on the move.

Good for brain power: Almond is a source of many nutrients which helps in development of the brain development. Ayurveda recommend having 5 soaked almonds in the morning daily for maximum brainpower.

Weight loss diet tips for men and women of all ages

I’m on a diet!” This is what we usually hear from people who want to lose weight. But what diet is effective in losing weight? Starvation diet is definitely a No! No! Our body needs food to produce energy so we can do our daily activities. The nutrients we get from food including fats and carbohydrates are important in maintaining the physiologic function of the body. However, these nutrients become bad for the body when they are taken in excess. The nutrients, if not converted to energy are stored in the body as fat deposits, thus the appearance of the undesirable belly fat and love handles. A balanced diet comprising all these nutrients as well as protein, vitamins and minerals, and calcium should be supplied to the body through the food we eat. This article shares some weight loss diet tips for men and women of all ages
The role of fat in a weight loss diet
Fats are an essential food nutrient because they provide twice the amount of energy than carbohydrates and proteins, and they help in protecting body organs and tissues and maintaining the body temperature.
Weight loss diet tips for men and women of all ages
Fats= 9 calories
Carbohydrates= 4 calories
Protein= 4 calories
CAUTION: Too much fat can be very harmful to the body. Excess fat do not only form the bulges on your body but it could also clog the arteries of the heart causing myocardial infarction or heart attack.
What is a low-fat diet?
Low- Fat diet has been promoted by the US Department of Health since the late 1970’s. But what does low- fat diet really mean?
Basically, there are three types of fat: The Saturated fat which is the Bad fat because it increases the blood cholesterol level, The Polyunsaturated fat that decreases the blood cholesterol level, and the Monounsaturated fat which decreases the Low- density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or the “bad cholesterol”.
Low- fat diet means: decreasing the consumption of food that contains saturated fat while increasing the consumption of food that contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. Food like most meat and dairy products, butter, and tropical oils such as coconut oil and palm oil should be avoided as they are high in saturated fat. Polyunsaturated fat are usually found in plant food sources such as corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower. Food sources for Monounsaturated fat includes olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and some fruits like avocado.
Carbohydrates are bad or good?
Carbohydrates provides real-time energy in the body and should account for 50- 60% of the total calories we take in everyday. However, with sedentary lifestyle, the calories you get from carbohydrates that are supposed to be converted to real-time energy are stored as fat deposits, thus you gain weight.
Low –carb diets are among the most popular weight loss diets. There are many variations like:
The Anabolic Diet which alternates low carb and periods of high carb eating
Carbohydrate addicts which serves 2 meals with no carbs and 1 meal of 1/3 carb a day
Ketogenic Diet which eliminates carbohydrate completely and compensates the caloric need with high fat and moderate protein intake.
But as per definition, having less than 50-60% of carb ratio in a serving is low carb diet. If your goal is to maintain your current weight, do take in moderate carb which is about 40-50% carb in your diet. And if you want to lose weight, you may go with low- carb diet which contains 25-39% carb. Lower than this is not really recommended as it could cause conditions like ketosis, presence of ketone bodies in the blood. Very high ketone level can make the blood acidic and may damage organs like the liver and the kidneys.
Some weight loss diet tips that can help eat healthier are:
Instead of eating ice cream, have a low fat yogurt or sherbet.
Use skim milk (fat- free milk) instead of whole milk.
Instead of eating pasta alfredo (white sauce pasta) eat pasta marinara (red sauce pasta).
You may substitute bacon with lean ham.
Since the American Heart Association recommends avoiding coconut oil because it contains 85- 90% saturated fat, use olive oil or canola oil when cooking food.
Chocoholics may eat dark chocolate which is rich in anti-oxidant rather than a milk chocolate.
Use beef loin instead of brisket
Instead of white bread eat whole grain bread such as wheat bread
Snack on Peaches (61 calories/pc.), blackberries (62 calories/serving), and carrot sticks (52 calories/cup) instead of fried chips.
Being overweight or obese doesn’t only place a person at risk from developing diseases like diabetes, respiratory diseases, cancer, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular diseases but it could also affect one’s emotional and social life. People who are overweight and obese could suffer from low self-esteem, depression, and impaired body image. Because of this, more and more people are being conscious of their weight. Losing weight is a tough challenge; you must be really committed as lifestyle changes should be made.

Individual Health Insurance Versus Family Insurance

As an insurance customer you may have to consider which is more cost effective, an independent health insurance plan or a plan that includes your family. Individual health insurance will generally be cheaper than health insurance that must be extended to cover several individuals unless the individual in question is suffering from numerous complications. There's still a lot of decisions to make if you go with an individual insurance plan like do you want a basic or major insurance plan, do you want to be able to pick which doctor you go to and have a more expensive plan or do you want to choose from a list of doctors available from your insurance company and see them thus having a smaller premium to pay.
However, this all changes if you have to pay for not only yourself but your dependents' health needs. In this case it's cheaper most times to have plans that include your dependents as four individual plans will of course, be more expensive than one plan that covers all four individuals. The more people covered under a particular insurance plan, the more expensive it will be in much the same way as the more people covered under an umbrella, the bigger the umbrella needs to be.
Of course, the more people covered under an insurance plan, the more problems you may run into in paying for the plan as smokers' plans are more expensive than non-smokers, people with asthma or diabetes may not fall under the insurance's payment plans as this may qualify as a preexisting condition. Gender, age and general health previously is also a large factor in determining the cost of premiums.
Family Insurance plans cover all the same things that individual plans do including x-ray and laboratory service, prescription medications, surgery, hospital stays, emergency treatment, ambulance services, dental and mental health care. However, like most insurance policies eye care services are usually not included and can be added on for a fee.
Basically the choice is entirely dependent on the make up of your family, and the decision should lie upon which would be better economically for your budget. A health care plan that caters to individual needs that may not need to be addressed by the entire family for example an asthmatic child may need special care his or her siblings may not need. Or you can purchase a health care plan that covers your entire family, smokers and alcohol consumers alike.

Natural Cosmetics made from Healthy Ingredients

Nowadays natural cosmetics are provided by a lot of different companies that feature customers with a great choice of cosmetic products. Natural cosmetics have become really popular recently and the success has led to more competitors for the customers intent on natural components in all of the products that they purchase for their usage.

Natural cosmetics products attract people because of the purity of the ingredients and the many benefits of the products. Natural cosmetics should have the same desired results as the cosmetics produced with synthetic or chemical substances. Natural cosmetics are produced using roots, herbs, essential oils and other parts of plants.
Natural cosmetics have these beneficial substances, and they don’t have any of the harmful components such as preservatives that are utilized in other cosmetics. Natural creams made by the most successful companies are usually made with methods that will preserve the natural benefits of these significant ingredients.
A lot of people who want natural cosmetics actually make their own from healthy substances that occur in nature. People who make their own cosmetics can make a limited amount for their own use and be ensured that the components are fresh.
Natural cosmetics are not just a gimmick that attracts people with unsubstantiated claims. The components in natural cosmetics are chosen based on research performed by talented scientists and knowledgeable people. One of the ingredient that is often used in natural products is honey, because of the unique qualities of that ingredient that can restore the appearance of the skin.
In masques that are left on for a period of time to restore the youthful appearance of the customer honey is often utilized. You can find several other natural products that can be utilized to eliminate some of the signs of aging. Chamomile, basil and sunflower oil are other important ingredients in natural products that help to restore a youthful appearance.
Natural substances such as arrowroot can have a beneficial effect for people who suffer from blemishes and pimples on the skin. Seeds from the castor plant can have a really beneficial effect for soothing and lubricating. In many natural products aloe vera is used because it has many enzymes and vitamins.
Another major natural ingredient is cocoa butter for making natural moisturizers which are so important in maintaining a youthful appearance. Ascorbic acid found in fruits is utilized in natural products because of the antioxidants which limit the effect of free radicals that can damage the skin. More and more companies have success in natural cosmetics keep going to research and offer new efficient and good products from natural substances.


Plastic Surgery And Cosmetic

Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery can be confusing terms; often used interchangeably they are two distinct disciplines. Plastic surgery is commonly used as a general term for operative or instrumental treatment performed for aesthetic reasons. In reality, plastic surgery is the field which addresses corrective or functional surgeries and procedures. The plastic surgeon is often at work due to the effects of accidents, burns or disease, and has a full surgical residency and strict medical requirements governing their certification. Cosmetic surgery is a subfield of plastic surgery, and addresses aesthetic or elective procedures in order to enhance features a patient finds unflattering about themselves. Cosmetic surgery is also performed on bodily parts for health purposes, such as breast reductions. The other area of plastic surgery is reconstructive surgery, which takes place when a part of a patient has been damaged in something like an accident or a fire. In an age where looks are more important than ever before, many people, and especially women, are availing themselves of the many opportunities to have cosmetic procedures on parts they do not like. This cultural reality is reflected in shows such as Extreme Makeover and other hit medical shows that document bodily changes. More and more, however, people are becoming addicted to cosmetic surgeries. The fact is, that once a person sees how very easy it is to get something they don’t like fixed, the more about themselves they do not like and want remedied. Prime celebrity examples of this include Michael Jackson and Joan Rivers. Cosmetic surgery should never be undertaken without psychological as well as medical consultation. It is imperative that the patient not undertake the operation lightly, with full knowledge of the hazards and the risks of becoming an addict. It is also very important for a potential patient to do research on the surgeon that will be performing the procedure. There is a lot of money to be made in the cosmetic surgery industry, and all sorts of frauds and quacks are out to get a piece of action. With most things in life, it is important to remember that cheap prices mean cheap work, there is simply no way around it. Those looking for surgeons must choose wisely, or the results could be even more operations and even greater :

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To Grow A Vegetable Garden Step by Step

Here’s some steps that you can do if you’ve thought of having a small scale type of vegetable patch in your Gardens Calgary. Step 1What are the vegetables that you like to eat?Choose those that are tasty especially when they’re ripe. You can have jasmines, sugar corn, cinnamon, curry leaf and tomatoes.       Step 2 Prepare a plot of flat ground that gets full sun nearly all day in your Calgary Gardening.Tend the soil and spread some humus or leaf mold. A whole day of sweltering temperature would be needed for vegetables to ripe in the last periods of winter and early spring.  Step 3

Determine the expanse of your garden and find out how you’re gong to plant.  You can have the lettuce in a nice solid mat while the sweet corn can be 45 cm apart. Pumpkins can be grown with four feet of space. You can find these information in the labels of seed packages and garden catalogs. Step 4 Grow vegetables in containers if you’re vegetable garden is not that big. Have the “Tumbler” tomatoes as a hanging basket in the patio.  Cucumbers which is one kind of climbing plant can be guided to go up in an arbor. Gather in a flowerbed the basil herbs.   Step 5

Schedule plantings around the two main growing seasons which vary by region: cool (spring and fall) and warm (summer). Common cool-season vegetables include beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, peas, potatoes, radishes, spinach and turnips. Warm-season crops include beans, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, peppers, pumpkins, squash and tomatoes.  Step 6

Why not set out the seeds in the ground, directly. They usually grow faster that way. You can do this with the following crops: peas, turnips, corn, chard, beans and pumpkins. Starting seeds is, of course, much less expensive than planting seedlings sold in flats, packs and pots.  Step 7 If you’re just a beginner in vegetable gardening, it would be better to plant the nursery seedlings. Some examples of nursery seedlings are peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli. Some plants that you can plant effectively as seeds and seedlings are squash and cucumber.    Step 8 There are more selection to choose from during New Year so you can buy the seeds and seedlings at this time. Find those packages for the present year.    Step 9

Get the best choices from the catalogs given by seed companies. Or better yet you can browse on the internet.    Step 10 Order the seeds after you’ve cultured the soil.   Let the soil be dank and temperate. Ensure it would not be dry in three days.  Get only those seedlings which are in good condition.  These seedlings should stand straight and not lanky and should be more stocky. There should also be no holes damaged by the bugs.Buy the necessary fish pond supplies in the Fish Pond Supply Store to keep your garden pond in condition as well. You need to consider this if you want your garden to thrive overall.for more articles


Friday, March 25, 2011

The example of the recovery diet of tonsillitis

After the acute symptoms of tonsillitis are over, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for  three or four days. In this regimen, three meals of fresh juicy fruits such as apples,  grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pears, pineapple, peaches and melon may be taken. Juice  fresh pineapple is most valuable in all throat afflictions of this type. After all-fruit diet  patient may gradually embark upon a well balanced diet as follows: 
  • Breakfast: fresh fruit or raw grated carrot or other raw salad and milk. Prunes or other dried fruit can be added, if desired.
  • Lunch: Steamed vegetables, as it can get, and whole wheat chapatis. Vegetables like bitter gourd and fenugreek are specially beneficial. 
  • Dinner: A good-sized raw salad vegetables such as to obtain seeds and sprouts of mung beans and alfalfa seeds, wholemeal bread with butter or cottage cheese.

Raw vegetable juices are also useful in the treatment of tonsillitis. Carrot juice, beet and  cucumber, taken individually or in combination are especially beneficial. Remember to use three parts carrot juice to one part beet, and cucumber part.

Color Therapy

Are you suffering from stress, ulcers, sexual disorders, hay fever, colds, or even cancer? Consider color therapy. Tonight is the ideal time to start putting their tensions by improving their environment in green. Soft green relieves stress and gently floss body. It strengthens sight. Being highly medicinal and depressive, the green is very helpful in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. How can you be sure to benefit from green. One method of color therapy is simple: Just be sure to eat green food. Eat any green vegetables and fruits such as squash, spinach, bananas, lettuce, peas, green mango, gooseberry, pears, and beans.
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10 Tips on Staying Healthy with Autumn

1. Open up to the harvest of your year and be willing to work hard and discipline yourself as you head into a new season. If you're a student (we are all students of life), get back to your studies. Yes, it's time to shift from the frivolity and laziness of Summer. Nature is so giving, and it helps to be receptive to her and what the Earth has to offer. What do we have to give to life for all the energy, love, and beauty I hope we all receive?
2. Relationships are important to all of us. This is a good time to deepen and clarify our love and family connections. This helps us discover more about our own needs and those of others close to us, as well as learn to listen to them (both the needs and the people). Also, learn to be alone and listen to your inner guidance and truth. Some folks focus relationships on their computers and TV's, cars or other electronics. Can you still your mind chatter, and let your body breathe deeply to your soul? Give it a try and your spirit will be calmed and can also fly free of the burdens of time.
3. Open to the creative Spirit. We can receive new ideas and actions necessary to fulfill our purpose and move us forward in our life. This can help to improve motivation with new energy and excitement for life. This could be writing about past experiences or our future goals, working on a book or personal story, reading a self-help book and applying it to improve our life, or taking up a new exercise. In other words, start a program now that you can develop and work on in the colder, darker months.
4. The foundation and fortification with our foods and diet is an important focus now. Again, this is Harvest time and there are a great many foods - apples and walnuts, sunflower seeds, zucchini and other squash, cabbages, peppers and tomatoes, plus many grains and beans. Learn some new recipes and enjoy good foods. Most of us need more protein and heat generating foods in the colder months, even the energizing spicy peppers such as cayenne and chilis. This will keep our blood and energy moving.
5. Exercise activity is crucial now as in any season. As the weather cools, stretching is even more important, as is having indoor exercises we can do. Yoga and other flexibility-enhancing movements are helpful at keeping us youthful. "We are as young as our spine is flexible." Our weight work and aerobic activities are vital to staying fit and toned, and strong to support our immune function and circulation. A vital body rarely gets sick.
6. Nutritional supplements are often useful this time of year. Many of my patients add some nutrients that support immune function so as not to pick up "what's going around." Taking some echinacea now is helpful as is the Chinese herb, astragalus. Maintaining daily vitamins C and E along with selenium and zinc is also immune protective and clears our body of certain toxins. Roots are helpful at tonifying our body at this time. Ginseng is quite good for building strength and endurance. Burdock root is good for the skin. See the Autumn section of Staying Healthy with the Seasons for further information.
7. Detoxification is the word for September. I am doing a whole month myself and have a 3-week group starting in mid-month (See Upcoming Appearances). Doing an effective Detox Diet or avoiding sugar, wheat and dairy for a couple weeks (as I write about in The False Fat Diet) is often quite revealing and helps us to feel better - lighter and more youthful with greater energy. Since it's getting cooler, we'll need to exercise and sauna or steam as a means to sweat to clear toxins. Regular sweating is important to health and longevity.
Allowing, Bowing, Plowing, Nowing is the desired outcome for some - with cleansing their lens, their perceptions and their ability to create a healing oasis with their inner and outer environments. This is a healthful attitude and creates a mood that encourages longevity, with a life lived to the fullest. Argisle
8. Prepare for the cold season. Gather your fuel and food, breathe, and exercise as you should. In Chinese medicine, the fall season focuses on the lungs and large intestine. Overdoing it can lead to congestion and toxicity, as well as constipation and the clogging of the nose and sinuses. This leads then to upper respiratory infections as the germs grow in the mucus and then inflame the membranes. Staying clean and clear this season along with a healthy immune system will help keep you well. Try a facial steam and breathe in the herbal mist (you can use mints, rosemary, chamomile, lemon verbena, and other herbs) to help clear the sinuses.
9. Should you get any colds or flus, it's best to jump on those immediately. I start with hourly vitamin C of about 1000 mg, increased doses of vitamin A (not beta-carotene) 25,000-30,000 IUs 3 times daily for just 3-4 days and then lower that dosage to 10-20,000 IUs twice daily for about a week (then take a break since excess vitamin A can be toxic if taken too long). I also use fresh garlic as several cloves at a time dipped in honey and chew them; I may repeat this several times the first day. That?s a spicy and aromatic natural antibiotic and immune defender; you can alternately use the odorless garlic caps, several 3 times daily if you don't want to smell, but they're not quite as effective. Echinacea and goldenseal alcohol extract can also be used to support immunity and cleanse the membranes. Some help may be achieved with olive leaf extract as a mild anti-viral herb. Of course, drink lots of water, herbal teas, and hot soup. You can press several cloves of garlic into your bowl of soup before you eat, instead of eating the garlic straight.
10. Take a rest now because the demanding holiday season is just around the corner. Don't burn your batteries out before November. Kindle your inner flame and fire power, which is protective from the invasion of harsh climates and germs. The Winter blues comes partly from a loss of this fire energy. Shifting and balancing with the Seasons is vital to Staying Healthy.
Copyright Elson M. Haas, MD, 2002 All Rights Reserved
This content may be forwarded in full, with copyright/contact/creation information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format.
If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Elson Haas is required


Treating Diabetes Naturally

Dr Jacob Teitelbaum MD

The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled From Fatigued to Fantastic by Dr Jacob Teitelbaum MD.View all columns in series
Diabetes is when the level of sugar in your blood is too high. Your body makes insulin to carry sugar from the blood into your cells where it can be burned as fuel. In Type 1 diabetes (most often in younger people), there is too little insulin. This occurs because the cells making insulin were destroyed by your body when it confused parts of those cells with an outside infection and attacked them. Taking insulin is usually necessary, but we will talk about how to prevent complications of the diabetes. Avoiding both sugar and dehydration (drink water) are critical here. The good news is that there will likely be alternatives to insulin shots and we are even creating the ability to put new insulin creating cells back into your body in the future. For now though, frustrating and annoying as it is, please stay with your medical program of insulin and monitoring your blood sugar. Instead of sugars, use Stevia and use sugar free candies, ice cream, chocolate, etc. Enjoy your pleasure, but since the Atkins diet came through, there are sugar free ways to do it.
In Type 2 diabetes (usually in overweight adults) there is plenty of insulin, but the insulin does not work (called "insulin resistance"). This is triggered by being overweight and genetics. In men, if associated with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, it is called "metabolic syndrome" and is often caused by testosterone deficiency (a blood level under ~ 450 should be treated). In women, paradoxically, an elevated testosterone can cause diabetes.
When blood sugar goes too high, it spills into the urine, pulling water with it. This causes increased urination and thirst. When this happens in Type 1 diabetes, dehydration can cause your blood sugar to skyrocket and put you in the hospital. Stay hydrated!
Complications of diabetes (heart, vessel and nerve) can often be prevented naturally.
1. Lose weight if you are overweight. This restores your own insulin's effectiveness and is often enough to make the diabetes go away—especially if you add regular exercise to your regimen.
2. Avoid sweets (Stevia, artificial sweeteners, and sugar free chocolate with maltitol like the "Russell Stover" sugar free brand are OK).
3. Increase fiber intake.
4. In men, if the blood testosterone level is under 450, consider bioidentical testosterone hormone by prescription.
5. For Type 2 diabetes, I prefer the above recommendations, and the medication metformin to insulin. Though you may need insulin, it simply causes more weight gain and more insulin resistance in the long term. Because of these, use these other treatments so your doctor can get you off your insulin.
6. Take the Energy Revitalization System vitamin powder. The vitamins B12, B6 and Inositol can help prevent (or heal) diabetic nerve injury. Treating the magnesium deficiency routinely caused by the diabetes helps decrease the risk of heart disease (do not take if you have kidney failure without your doctor's OK though). The antioxidants may decrease the damage from the high sugar, and other components may help increase insulin sensitivity. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased diabetes risk as well.
7. Take the supplement lipoic acid 300 mg 2x day to prevent and treat diabetic nerve pain.
8. If you have diabetic nerve injury, add Acetyl-L-Carnitine 2,000 mg a day. Early research suggests that Coenzyme Q10 200 mg a day may help.
9. If you develop heart problems, see "Treating Heart Disease Naturally." 


The highs and lows of alcohol

Alcohol is a very much ancient and addictive drink. It was a symbol of higher status earlier. The kings and knights would stock these up for their guests and offer them at special occasion or just sip them casually. Later many cuisines used it for dishing out delicious savories. Many countries still use liquor as an ingredient for cooking. It adds extra depth and dimension to the food. Normal spices and flavors get enhanced when cooked with liquor. After a very much tiring, long day at office when the professionals retire at home, a shot of liquor can boost the energy level and refreshes the mood.

The relaxing effect of this shot relaxes the mind and gives the brain much needed refreshment. Most of the doctors also recommend consuming a small amount of alcohol before sleeping with certain days gap for relaxation. Human mind and body are very much addictive and get used to everything with passing time. The same happens, when not consumed with mental restriction, people get used to alcohol consumption daily and this goes on increasing.

Alcohol is very much addictive and people get used to its relaxing effect very quickly. Slowly they become alcohol addicts and cannot do without consuming it. This leads to various complications in life personal as well as professional. After a particular stage the loved ones and friends are forced to take measures to deal with the addiction. Alcoholism rehab is the right place to get an addict for treatment and for embracing new sober life. These treatment centers are equipped with state of art machines for detoxification, dealing with withdrawal symptoms which are associated with recovery treatment.

Alcohol treatment center is a place where new life is offered to the addicts. They are treated holistically for improvement in dealing with daily situations effectively. Their mindsets are reformed through cognitive therapies. Personalized medical help is offered to the clients, clinical experts offer their support in overcoming the cravings for substance. These rehabs also train and ask families to provide extended support for long term recovery and for avoiding relapses. Rehabilitation center carries out various activities which help boost the morale of the addicts. Such activities include sports, yoga, various brainstorming activities etc. Overall treatment, mind and body, is undertaken by these rehabs. This helps in quitting deadly habit completely for longer time or may be forever.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Tomato (Gycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Originated from tropical America, grown as fruit crops in fields, yards, or found in the wild at an altitude of 1-1600 m above sea level. These plants can not stand the rain, scorching sun, and willed the land is fertile and lush.

Herbaceous plant this year to grow upright or leaning on other plants, height of 0.5 to 2, 5 m, much branched, hairy, and smelled strong. Round stems, thickened at the books, it's green haired rough whitish.

Buni fruit fruit, fleshy, thin skin polished, diverse in form and size, the color yellow or red. Seeds many, compressed, yellow-brown color.

The fruit can be eaten straight, made juice, tomato sauce, cooked, made sambal fried, or made pickles. Shoots or young leaves can disayur. Common fruits available in the market round.

Here are examples of the use of tomatoes:

Sunburn skin

Wash the fresh young leaves, then milled until smooth. And apply on the burned skin.

Weak because of low blood glucose levels

Drinking fresh tomato juice.


Boil some of the ripe fruit in the palm oil for about ten minutes, then filter with a cloth. Once chilled, dab on wasirnya.

Appendicitis, jaundice

Drinking tomato juice, three times a day, each one cup. Fixed consult with your doctor.

High blood pressure, bloodshot eyes

Eat fresh fruit as much as 1-2 fruits in the morning, when the stomach is empty.

Bruising due to collide

Tomato juice plus ginger water, then drink after a cold.


Wash the ripe fruit (three fruit), then cut into pieces as needed. Lumatkan in a half cup of cooking water and one tablespoon of pure honey. Squeeze and strain, then drink. Do it three times a day. Diabetes mellitus is prohibited adding pure honey to blood glucose levels did not increase.


Add 25 ml of alcohol 70% in tomato juice (100 ml), and shake evenly. Use the mixture to rub the face with acne. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Sores, ulcers in the oral cavity

Cut the ripe fruit (two pieces) and cook with fresh fish. After chilling, eating. Do it every day for 1-2 weeks until visible improvement.

Improve appetite

Drinking tomato juice one hour before meals.

Gingivitis, gum bleeding

Wash the ripe fruit, and eating raw. Do it twice a day, for about a month.

Tomato fruit contains the alkaloid solanine (0.007%), saponins, folic acid, malic acid, citric acid, bioflavonoids (including routine), proteins, fats, sugars (glucose, fructose), adenine, trigonelin, kholin, tomatin, minerals (Ca, Mg, P, K, Na, Fe, sulfur, chlorine), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, E, lycopene, niacin), and histamine. Routine can strengthen capillary walls.

Chlorine and sulfur is a trace element which detoksikan efficacious. Chlorine naturally stimulate the liver to remove toxins and sulfur protect the liver from cirrhosis of the liver and other liver diseases. Lycopene is the yellow pigment beta-carotene in the fruit. Tomatin efficacious antibiotics. Leaves containing pectin, arbutin, amigdalin, and alkaloids.